To serve you is my duty, to give you
satisfactory service is my responsibility. To touch your heart is to give my
best service.
The power to win the customer and
keep her coming back to make business with you lies in the hands of a highly
trained, professional customer service representative. If you are a small
business, you need to take advantage of it.
How can it be done? What is the
impact to your customers? These are some of the questions you can use as guide.
Ask yourself and see if your business can truly deliver the service that wows
your customers and makes them stay loyal with you.
It is definitely good in many areas
– from bookings to online order taking.
There is a growing trend for customer
service to be done even on the Internet. A customer from Singapore can buy a
pair of shoes from a retailer in the United States. Looks cool and convenient,
but how safe is it?
This is where great service comes
in. Customer service reps should be on hand ready to assist a customer who got
stuck in the process. Questions will be raised but having an available person
who is ready to help enables the buyer to complete the process. It allows you
to respond quickly.
In online order taking, for
instance, there are two key factors to consider.
First, listen part and take down orders accurately. In the
world of customer service, listening is the most important part in online order
taking process. Listening actively during the transaction helps you get the right
information and take note without committing major mistakes.
Second is that you can verify. It secures the delivery of
the order. The advantage of having the right information is that you can
immediately process the order quickly and deliver it to the customer on time.
You can always have variety. Learn
to be creative.
If the target delivery is not
possible, you can easily communicate to the customer and advise her on the next
earliest date. You can now coordinate with the delivery service provider and
monitor the target delivery date.
The moment you keep track of the
details with the delivery service provider, the more credible you become with
the customer. It touches her heart and etches your company in her mind. She
will feel that you are giving her extra attention to her needs.
The touch of a great service not
only touches the heart but touches that part which does not easily go away: You
build trust. Guaranteed service always leads to a great customer experience.
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