Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Art of Questioning

Stephen R. Covey, the bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, explained in one of the habits that we need to “Begin with the end in mind.” While this habit refers to our personal goals, it also applies to the way we handle customers. When we answer a call from a customer, what is our end goal?

As business owners, our goal is to understand the need of the customer and find way to address it. Customers call for answers, not to leave still feeling frustrated. But in order to find the best solution to problems, get into the root of it all. What caused the problem, which worries the caller? It is important for your customer service representatives to ask the right questions.

The art of questioning is a wonderful skill and can be acquired through constant practice.

-          to gather information;
-          to manage the call (Phone reps should effectively manage the entire call);
-          to identify the hidden concern; and
-          to clarify things
Know the strategy of asking question and the types of questions to be asked.                            

How to ask questions
-          prepare the most appropriate question;
-          know when to ask a question; and
-          ask politely
There are different types of questions. Two of the commonly used strategies are the open-ended and closed-ended question, and the funneled question.

The open and closed-ended question is a type of question you need to ask. An open-ended question is answerable by something generic or can be followed by another question. Closed-ended question is answerable by yes or no and a specific answer. Using this question vice versa will easily help you identify the caller’s real concern.

The best strategy for questioning is funneled questioning. In this strategy, you attempt to identify the reason why customers called. The way you ask a question is really intense.  You ask every detail of the caller’s response to shed more light in the matter.

The quality of questions you ask will determine how effective your solutions will be.

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